Will Taking Testosterone Increase Sperm Count

Will Taking Testosterone Increase Sperm Count

Understanding the Role of Testosterone in Male Fertility

Testosterone is a sex hormone that plays a significant role in the male reproductive system. Although most people possess a basic understanding of how testosterone relates to male sexual health, when it comes to understanding male fertility, the function of testosterone isn't so straightforward.

Understanding Hormones
Hormones act as chemical messengers transported through our bodies via the bloodstream. They regulate various functions in the body, such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction. In males, testosterone's most essential responsibilities include the development of primary sex characteristics (genitalia and reproductive organs), secondary sex characteristics (body hair, voice pitch, bone structure, etc.), the production of sperm, and sex drive.

Low Testosterone and Male Infertility
Low testosterone in men, sometimes referred to as male hypogonadism, is a condition that can occur naturally at birth or later in life. If the condition develops during adulthood, it can lead to symptoms such as:

● Decreased libido
● Erectile dysfunction
● A decrease in hair growth and muscle mass
● Decreased energy and fatigue
● Infertility

Low testosterone in men can be caused by a wide range of natural, medical, and lifestyle factors, including:

● Age
● Genetic disorders
● Being obese or underweight
● Smoking
● Cancer treatments
● Pituitary disorders
● Injury

Treatment for low testosterone generally involves developing a treatment plan that addresses any underlying conditions or lifestyle factors that are causing the imbalance. In some cases, additional medical measures may be necessary, which can include male hormone replacement therapy.

Once treated, many men with low testosterone are able to have a child. In some cases, especially if there are female infertility factors involved, doctors may recommend a combination of fertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and sperm extraction.

High Testosterone and Male Infertility
It's a common misconception that increased levels of testosterone in males equal increased virility. However, in order for hormones to function properly, they need to maintain a balanced equilibrium. Therefore, men can also experience infertility if their testosterone levels are too high.

High testosterone in males, also known as hypergonadism, can be caused by a number of underlying health and medical conditions, including:

● Benign and malignant tumors in the testicles
● Infections
● Kidney and liver problems
● Autoimmune disorders
● Genetic abnormalities
● Injury

Abnormally elevated levels of testosterone can also be caused by steroid usage or testosterone supplementation, even if prescribed by a doctor. High levels of testosterone can cause symptoms such as:

● Aggression
● High blood pressure
● High libido
● Acne
● Excessive hair growth
● Low sperm count and infertility

Although it sounds counterintuitive, abnormally high levels of testosterone can actually decrease sperm production, especially if you are using steroids or supplements. One study that examined sperm counts in men found that 88.4% of men who took testosterone supplements without a medical need were azoospermic.

Learn More
In many cases, fertility issues caused by testosterone imbalances can be treated. To learn more about testosterone and male fertility, or to schedule a consultation with a male fertility expert, please contact us today.

Will Taking Testosterone Increase Sperm Count

Source: https://www.malefertility.com/blog/understanding-the-role-of-testosterone-in-male-fertility


Girls Bedroom Pictures

Girls Bedroom Pictures

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It is important for a girl to spend quality time by herself. If you spend a lot of time at school or at home around friends and family, you will eventually want to escape to have some fun in your bedroom. Fun comes in all forms and you get to decide which one is right for you. Whether you choose to entertain your day away, take care of business, or plan for your future, you can make your alone time as enjoyable as possible.

  1. 1

    Create a new look for yourself. This is play time so don't take yourself too serious. It is good for you.[1] If you want to decorate your face with dramatic makeup, paint your nails crazy colors, tease your hair four inches high, or try on every outfit you own, do it. There are no rights and wrongs to this mini-makeover. You are creating so anything goes.

    • Mix and match different shoes with pants, skirts and sweaters that you haven't worn before.
    • Take photos of the ones you really like. You never know, you might be a designer for women's and men's clothing someday. You won't know unless you explore.
    • Paint each fingernail and toenail a different color. If you like it, keep it that way. If you don't, you can always use nail polish remover to start over.
  2. 2

    Put on a one-girl show. Gather up a cast of characters including stuffed animals, or stray plastic army men and set up a scene. You get to make up the words that everyone says and the costumes, and direct the show. Create new songs for the sound track to your show or use your favorite tunes. It's all up to you. It's your show.[2]

    • Start your story by saying, "Once upon a time there was a girl who spent time in her room."
    • If you get stuck say, "And now we are going to take a commercial break." Use the break time to come up with other ideas by asking your stuffed animals for input.
    • If you're comfortable with it, video your show and watch it. You may want to keep it or delete it. Either way, it will be fun.


  3. 3

    Exercise. You might be in your room, but that doesn't have to stop you from being active. This is your space so make the most of it. A little activity might be just what you need to shake off the stress you've been feeling.

    • If you enjoy a more relaxing type of exercise try yoga or meditation.[3]
    • If you want to get your heart rate up, put on some music and dance.[4] Pretend you are a Zumba instructor and your stuffed animals are your students.
    • If it's okay with your parents, bounce on your bed as long as it is safe.
  4. 4

    Write stories or poetry. Many girls and women keep a journal and write in it every day.[5] Others write poems or stories that may or may not get published. Stories, whether they are made up or are true, make life more entertaining. You might be fantastic at writing happy, funny, sad, or scary stories, but you won't know unless you try.

    • You can keep your stories to yourself if you want them to be private.
    • If you want to share your stories, make sure you share them with someone you trust and who cares about you.
  5. 5

    Catch up on the movies you want to watch. Do you have a list of movies you've been meaning to watch? Even if you've seen your favorite movie 100 times, you may want to watch it again. There are benefits to watching movies, so turn on the TV or mobile device and stream away.[6]

    • After you watch a movie write down what you liked about it and what you didn't. Next time you talk to a friend or family member you can discuss it.
    • You may want to binge watch a few episodes of a TV series you heard about.
  6. 6

    Read some magazines to get up to date on trends. Magazines provide a glimpse into what is popular in the news, fashion, sports, and just about any subject. Pick magazines that cover your interests, and include some new ones that might expose you to new and exciting topics.

    • Try CosmoGirl, Seventeen, AstroGirl, etc. If you are interested in musical artists, sports figures or scientists, there are magazines available.


  1. 1

    Catch up on sleep. Most growing girls need a lot of energy to get through the day. Sometimes it's fun to set everything aside and take a good long nap. Without proper rest, you can't expect yourself to be your best. The average person functions well on 7-8 hours of sleep a night.[7]

    • If you enjoy napping in your cozy bed, do it. Invite all your stuffed animal friends to join you.
    • Sleep is healing for your body, so get as much as you need.
  2. 2

    Redecorate your room. It can be a small improvement or complete make-over. Even moving your furniture around might be fun to create a new look. A change in your living area can be fun, healthy and energizing.

    • If you've got the paint and drop cloths and approval from your parents, paint your room. This takes planning so make sure to make a plan before you start.
    • Exchange old posters for new ones. This will give you something new to look at, which will make you feel like it's a new room.
    • A new bedspread, or pillows can spruce up the room.
    • Open up your window coverings and let the natural light in, which is healthy and helps you to see your room in a different light.[8]
  3. 3

    Clean your room. Most people don't enjoy cleaning their room, but they enjoy having a clean room. Cleaning your room will result in a more organized, peaceful feeling.[9] If you have a lot of disruptions and difficulties in your life, cleaning your room will soothe some of the struggles.

    • Focus on the fun feeling you will have once the room is clean.
    • Listen to music while you clean. It will distract you and make time pass quickly. Your room will be clean before you realize it.
    • If you clean your room without being asked, it will win you points with your parents.
  4. 4

    Organize your closet. [10] You've probably got shoes, clothing or toys in your closet that you haven't worn or played with in a while. The fun comes when you get to donate them to a charity of your choice.[11] Consider charities that help children. Your generosity will help someone have fun too.

    • If you haven't worn something in a year, consider donating it.
    • Hang lavender-filled sachets in your closet to freshen it.
  5. 5

    Pick outfits for the upcoming week. If you hate taking time in the morning to pick out what you are going to wear that day, then lay out the outfits ahead of time. Start with one and get inspired. You may have created a new look earlier in the day and believe it is worthy to be seen at school.

    • Choosing outfits ahead of time will save you time and effort, and allow for more sleep in the morning.
    • You will know what items need to be washed to ensure you can complete your outfit idea.


  1. 1

    Investigate colleges. There are so many colleges in the world, and you will eventually need to choose one.[12] That time will be here before you know it, so it would be fun to learn about the ones that might interest you. There are fun and interesting things to learn including: where they are located, what special programs they offer, and what the student population is like.

    • Attending college is one of the hardest, but most fun and memorable times of your life. Making a good choice is directly related to your success and happiness.
    • Scholarships and grants are available to pay for part or all of your college expense. Identifying financial support for college is possible.[13]
  2. 2

    Learn about careers. You can dream about what you want to be when you grow up, or actually learn what it takes.[14] The more you know about various careers, the more informed you will be about pursuing the education and jobs that will lead you to your eventual goal.

    • If you want to be a doctor determine what classes you would need to take, how long it will take you to become one, and how your efforts will impact the world.
    • Call a person who performs the job that you would like and ask her a list of questions you've prepared. You can start the conversation by saying, "Hello, my name is _____ and I'm thinking about becoming a ________. Are there any words of wisdom you can give me?" This will start the conversation.
    • People spend approximately fifty years of their life working. It is crucial for you to find fun and fulfilling work.[15]
  3. 3

    Read about what it takes to buy a house. Owning real estate is a common goal for a lot of people.[16] Wouldn't it be fun to find out what it takes to buy your dream home? Explore areas where you might want to live. Determine what the average price of a home might be. How much money would you need to make the purchase?

    • Set a long-range goal to purchase a house. Once you know what it takes to buy one, you can focus your career and financial efforts toward that goal.
    • You will find that most people start with small properties. Make sure that you can not only afford the payments, but also be able to consistently live within the required budget. If you don't have money to have any fun, then you need to consider a smaller property.
  4. 4

    Identify women in history that made a difference. It could be fun to use your alone time to study the achievements and personal qualities of women who have had great success in their lives. Wouldn't it be fun to find a mentor or role model who could help and guide you?[17]

    • You don't have to copy everything a person does; but instead look for the ways in which she struggled and failed and then bounced back to achieve success.
    • Tenacity, self-reliance and resourcefulness are qualities to admire and develop in yourself.[18] Success can be fun.
  5. 5

    Make a homework schedule for the upcoming week. You might be spending the day in your room, but you're going to be spending the next week at school. Organizing the week ahead will help manage the stress of upcoming tests, reports and projects. Seeing the demands of the week on paper alleviates some of the pressure and uncertainty you might be feeling. Schedule the time necessary for each item.

    • It's a great feeling when you make it through the week feeling organized and accomplished, which nurtures your motivation to learn at school.[19]
    • Don't forget to schedule some fun time for yourself. It's important to have fun to maintain balance and a positive outlook about school.


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  • Explore all your options and do new and exciting things. You won't know what you like unless you try it.

  • Self-contemplation is crucial to your development. Alone time is necessary.

  • Make a list of all the things you love to do. It will remind you of all the potentially fun days ahead.

  • Do some DIY projects to decorate your house.

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  • Be safe both in your room and online. If you are online you are not alone and there are people who take advantage of girls.

  • Don't spend excessive amounts of time alone. Reach out to others as often as possible to balance alone time and social time.

  • Never make arrangements to meet anyone that you met online. Discuss all situations with your parents or an adult.


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Article SummaryX

To have fun alone in your bedroom if you're a girl, try giving yourself a mini makeover. Paint your nails crazy colors and give yourself a new hairstyle. You can also mix and match different pants, skirts, and shirts to find new, cute outfits to wear! If you like being creative, write some stories or poetry in a journal. If you'd like, you can even act out your story in a play with your favorite stuffed animals. Another fun way to pass the time is redecorating your room. Try moving your furniture around or putting up new posters to spruce up your walls. To learn how to plan for your dream job while you're in your bedroom, read on!

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Girls Bedroom Pictures

Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Have-Fun-Alone-in-Your-Bedroom-(Girls-Only)


Bedroom Power Went Out

Bedroom Power Went Out

Room, Interior design, Bedding, Bed, Wall, Textile, Bedroom, Bed sheet, Linens, Furniture,

Whether you live in a big house or small apartment, there's no such thing as too much storage, especially in your bedroom. Keep your sanctuary clutter-free with these genius tips.

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Mommy Vignettes

1 of 10

Turn an IKEA bookshelf into a storage bench.

A simple bookcase from IKEA turns into an even better storage solution with this smart trick. Turned on its side, the bookcase becomes a, easy-on-the-eyes storage bench. The openings easily fit baskets, perfect for organizing shoes, clothes and more.

Get the tutorial at Mommy Vignettes.

Jewelry Cabinet


2 of 10

Make a built-in cabinet.

Even though it's a little more time-intensive, built-in storage is always a win-win. It doesn't take up any extra space, and what's better than that? In this example from J. Korsbon Designs, a built-in jewelry cabinet is found behind a mirror. As another space-saving solution, here's how to install an entire built-in dresser.

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Courtesy of Always Rooney

3 of 10

Catch All Storage

Design Sponge

4 of 10

Turn a magazine holder into a mini desk.

Using a wooden magazine file from IKEA, this blogger converted it into a catch-all shelf/desk. Just stain it, put it on its side and mount it. It quickly became a great spot for keys, loose change and mail.

Get the tutorial at Design*Sponge.

Wood, Room, Shelf, Shelving, Hardwood, Wood stain, Publication, Bookcase, Plywood, Interior design,

Via WooHome.com

5 of 10

Build a multi-purpose headboard.

If you have a headboard that simply looks pretty, you're doing it wrong. Take advantage of the space above and to the sides to house books and other bedside essentials.

Get the tutorial at Two Make a Home.

Frame Shelves

Shanty 2 Chic

6 of 10

Make a frame shelf.

Frames are obviously a go-to for displaying photos, but they can do way more than that. In this project, blogger Shanty 2 Chic turned old frames into storage shelves that doubled as wall decor. This storage solution is also surprisingly simple. All she had to do was make a box from wooden panels and glue it on the frame.

Get the tutorial at Shanty 2 Chic.

Magnet Board

Laura Thoughts

7 of 10

Make a magnet board.

Chances are much of your cosmetics are piled up in a makeup bag, basket or drawer. Not only can that method get messy fast, but it can take valuable time out of your morning as you rummage through your pile of eye shadows. Make your life easier with this space-saving trick that's fun and simple to make—hang it next to your bedroom vanity.

Get the tutorial at Laura Thoughts.

Furniture, Chest of drawers, Room, Bedroom, Bed, Drawer, Nightstand, Interior design, Floor, Bed frame,

Courtesy of Beate Hemsborg

8 of 10

Ditch the standard nightstand.

Standard nightstands are useful, but there are better ways to maximize the storage potential of the space next to your bed. Instead of nightstands, opt for a rustic trunk or a small desk. Carts and stylish filing cabinets also make great options.

See more at Beate Hemsborg.

Milk Crates

Jennifer Decorates

9 of 10

Turn wooden crates into storage superstars.

Floating Shelves

Shanty to Chic

10 of 10

Use up vertical space.

If you don't have much space to work with, concentrate on building up instead of building out. These floating shelves, for instance, are stylish and practical. What makes them even better is their budget-friendly price tag—each one came out to just $40 in wood.

Get the tutorial at Shanty 2 Chic.

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Web Editor Marlisse is the Web Editor of WomansDay.com, and she hails from Bronx, NY.

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Bedroom Power Went Out

Source: https://www.womansday.com/home/organizing-cleaning/g2213/bedroom-storage-ideas/


Small Bedroom Ceiling Fan

Small Bedroom Ceiling Fan

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Banner Image: Luciano Santandreu / Shutterstock.com

Having ceiling fans throughout your home is a necessity. They can help keep you cool in the summer and circulate warm air in the room when the temperatures are colder.

A ceiling fan not only needs to be functional, but there is an aesthetic factor to keep in mind as well. You want a ceiling fan that will go with the decor of your room and compliment your house as a whole. After considering these factors, you may begin to realize that it's possible your current ceiling fan is a little outdated or worn out.

Editors' Top Picks





Big Ass Fans
Haiku L 52 in. Indoor White Ceiling Fan


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Fandian 42Inch Modern Ceiling Light with Fans


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Westinghouse Lighting 7234100 Comet Indoor Ceiling Fan


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Portage Bay 51453 Madrona Ceiling Fan, 52, Gun Metal


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Wesley 52 in. Indoor/Outdoor Greywood DC Motor Ceiling Fan


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When choosing a new ceiling fan, there are several qualities to check for before making a final decision. Style, functionality, price, light bulb capabilities (dimmable, energy-efficient, led bulbs, etc.), CFM (cubic feet per minute) power and other features should all be considered when deciding on a new ceiling fan.

What follows is a list of the 20 best ceiling fans for your bedroom in 2021.

1. Minka-Aire LED White Flush Mount 44″ Ceiling Fan

Minka Aire Ceiling Fan

For small bedrooms and simple design, the Minka Aire from Amazon is a great choice. The range from 44-to-52 inches, this three-blade fan has a lot of power for its smaller design. The fan circulates air well, though it is not the quietest fan on the list.

The fan uses efficient LED lighting, which will help to illuminate your bedroom well. One drawback of this fan is that the motor is not reversible, which means that you cannot switch the fan direction for cooler months. That being said, this is still a great small fan for smaller living spaces.

2. Big Ass Fans Haiku L Smart Ceiling Fan

Haiku Home L Ceiling Fan

The Haiku Home L Series ceiling fan is one of the best smart fans on the market.

It has a remote control and is also Alexa and Google Assistant compatible. The stylish three-blade design will enhance any home decor. The cordless design eliminates the need to reach to grab cords to turn off and on lights and adjust fan speeds.

The fan includes LED lighting which will help to illuminate any room with a 16 level lighting system. The quiet running motor will ensure you have a restful sleep. This stylish fan is also available in several colors, including white, black, caramel and cacao finishes. The fan also features a smartphone app allowing you to control the fan from anywhere using your phone.

While this is one of the more expensive fans on our list, you definitely will get your money's worth with this fan. If you want to integrate your home with smart-tech, and an easy-to-navigate remote control, this is a great choice. There is also an app to control fan speed, sleep timer, light output and more.

3. Hunter Transitional 52" Ceiling Fan

Hunter Transitional ceiling fan

The 52-inch Hunter Transitional fan from Hunter Fan Company is perfect for medium-to-large size rooms. The fan features three-speed settings and the ability to dim the dual-fixture lights. The WhisperWind motor allows for a relatively noiseless fan.

Customers praise the quiet and how easy it is to install the Hunter ceiling fan. While the lights could be more powerful, soft lighting is good for supplemental lighting in a living room or for soft lighting in the bedroom. The fan has a nice, traditional ascetic with five wooden blades and a frosted lighting bowl. You can also bundle the fan with a remote control to help in reaching the cords with a high ceiling.

4. Windward 44 in. LED Brushed Nickel Ceiling Fan with Light Kit

Windward 44 in. LED Brushed Nickel Ceiling Fan witih Light Kit

The Home Decorators Collection from Home Depot offers a great, stylish fan for large bedrooms. The 44-inch indoor fan features five blades and is pull-chain operated. The fan is also great for rooms with high ceilings as the cords are long enough to reach fairly easily.

Like some of the fans on our list, this fan is not reversible; but don't let that turn you away from this great buy. The lighting works great with an on-off switch (you can't use a dimmer) and is easy to install with its QuickInstall fan blades.

Related: 9 Items From Etsy To Elevate Your Home Décor

5. RainierLight Classical Crystal Ceiling Fan

RainierLight Classical Crystal Ceiling Fan

For a touch of class to your home, look no further than the RainierLight Classical Crystal fan found on Amazon. The fan features five reversible metal fan blades, the lighting fixture is chandelier style with crystal-like LED lighting and the fan is eco-friendly and energy-efficient. The anti-rust design of the fan ensures it will last a long time.

The fan also features three types of operating the fan. You can use the remote control, switch control or chord control for the power of the fan. This fan will go well with any room in your home, with its reversible motor, adding a bit of class to your space.

6. Casablanca Durant

Casablanca Durant ceiling fan

One of the biggest complaints about ceiling fans is the noise. The constant "thumping" can be a distraction for many sleepers. The Casablanca Durant is a great solution to this problem. The small and quiet design is perfect for small bedrooms.

At only 44-inches, this fan circulates a lot of air for its size. The fan includes four speeds and an integrated lighting system. While some customers mentioned the want for a remote or wall switch control (you will need to use the pull-chains), this is a great buy for those that want a small fan with a lot of power.

7. Westinghouse Lighting Xavier Indoor Ceiling Fan with Light

Westinghouse Xavier Ceiling Light with fan

For a unique, stylish ceiling fan you need to look no further than the Westinghouse Xavier. The fan features oval blades and a three spotlight light design. It features a reversible motor with a five-blade design. The brushed nickel and copper design give it a sleek and stylish look for any room in the house.

This fan comes in two colors and features reversible blades. The remote control option is great for those that do not like the look of a pull-chain design. This fan is great for large bedrooms and other large rooms in your home with its low, medium and high-speed options. You can also choose between LED lights or non-LED lights, depending on your needs.

8. Honeywell Sabal Palm 52-Inch Tropical Ceiling Fan

Honeywell Sabal Palm fan

If you want to dream away to an island feel, the Honeywell Sabal Palm fan is perfect for your little island getaway. The tropical leaf design of the blades is perfect for beach-lovers, especially if you live near the coast. The fan blades are hand-carved from basswood/Lindenwood and brushed with a bronze finish. The fan is finished with a Tuscan sandglass bowl with three light fixtures.

The fan is easy to install and features a reversible motor. The fan's design allows for maximum airflow and circulation, reducing the need for air conditioners or other equipment.

This beautiful fan is perfect for the bedroom or other areas of your home that you want to have great air circulation and an elegant tropical feel. This is one of the best fans if you are looking for design options. You can choose between brass or bronze bowls, ceiling fan lights or no lights or four lights. This indoor fan will make you feel like you are always on vacation.

9. Hunter 42″ Low Profile IV Ceiling Fan

Hunter Low Profile Ceiling Fan

If you have a small bedroom with low ceiling space you will want a fan that is not going to take up a lot of room. The Hunter Low-Profile IV from Hunter Fan Company is the best choice for those that need to consider how much space their fan will take up. The fan measures 8-inches from the ceiling to the fan's base giving you plenty of headroom in low-ceiling rooms.

The fan features five reversible blades to customize the look of the fan. The fan has three speeds, and customers rave at how well the fan works at circulating air in small spaces with this flush mount ceiling fan. This would be a great ceiling fan for small rooms, like nurseries or basement bedrooms.

10. Fanimation 52″ Embrace Hugger 3 Blade LED Ceiling Fan

Fanimation Embrace Fan

Another great low-profile fan for smaller rooms is the Fanimation Embrace. While it has a higher price tag than some of our other small models, it is a great fan for smaller bedrooms. With a modern design and dimmer switch kit, this is a great sleek fan. It is remote-controlled and features three blades to efficiently circulate the air in the room.

The Embrace has a reversible motor and runs quietly. The fan also comes in several colors to choose from to customize for your bedroom space and a light kit. The higher price tag may be a deterrent for some customers, but this smaller fan is well worth the money.

11. Fandian 42-inch Modern Ceiling Fan

Fandian 42-inch Modern Ceiling Fan

The Fandian Modern Ceiling fan has a unique design and efficient operation. The fan has a sturdy aluminum frame and four acrylic fan blades. An acrylic PVC lampshade and LED lighting allows for great illumination for your living space with three light options (warm, cool, and mixed).

The fan has a minimalist design which is great for smaller rooms. The blades are hardly noticeable when in use and retract when the fan is turned off. The fan is remote-operated and has a silent motor. This fan is stylish and minimalistic which makes it great for the modern, contemporary bedroom.

12. Westinghouse Lighting Comet 52-Inch Matte Black Indoor Ceiling Fan

Westinghouse Lighting Comet 52-Inch Matte Black Indoor Ceiling Fan

The Comet ceiling fan is perfect for large rooms and has a dual mount construction that helps to make sure that it stays put. This fan comes in a black matte finish with five reversible blades.

The fan is remote control operated. The lighting fixture has a frosted glass kit with black matte housing. The fan uses two torpedo candelabra bulbs (40-watts each), which are included with the fan.  The fan includes a quiet, reversible motor that works well in cooling large rooms. The fan also comes with easy-to-follow instructions allowing for simple installation.

13. Harbor Breeze Armitage Flush Mount Ceiling Fan with Light Kit

Harbor Breeze Armitage Flush Mount Ceiling Fan with Light Kit

Some customers may need a low-cost fan that will still get the job done. Luckily the Harbor Breeze Armitage will only set you back around $50 for a good quality fan. The fan includes a 52-inch span, which is perfect for circulating air in any room in your home. The blades are reversible, allowing for either light or dark wood grain finishes.

The frosted light fixture includes a single bulb, so you may want to use it for supplemental lighting. The low ceiling profile makes it great for lower ceiling rooms. While the fan is only pull-chain operated, some customers have found great success purchasing a remote operation receiver to make the fan remote controlled. At a low cost, this fan has a lot of style and power for what you spend.

14. Reiga 52-Inch DC Motor Ceiling Fan

Reiga 52-Inch DC Motor Ceiling Fan

The Reiga down-rod fan earns a lot of points for style. The 52-inch fan is created for down-rod mounting. It is remote-controlled and includes a 12-Watt integrated LED light. The three oak fan blades are hand-painted and made of composite board.

The fan has a noiseless motor and is designed to maximize air circulation with low energy consumption. The fan has five speeds and reversible fan functions. Stylish and efficient, the Regia fan is great for upgrading your bedroom or any room in your home.

15. Hunter Anslee Indoor Low Profile Ceiling Fan

Hunter Anslee Indoor Low Profile Ceiling Fan

The Hunter Anslee fan includes a reversible WhisperWind motor for minimal noise and maximizes airflow. This fan is great for customers who want a minimalist design with high efficiency. The low-profile mounting is great for rooms with low ceilings. The fan uses a pull-chain to control the fan blades and lights but can be upgraded to a remote control that can be purchased separately.

The fan uses five reversible blades with a light oak grey side and a dark walnut gray side. The stylish frosted globe light fixture includes 2 CFL bulbs. The minimalist lighting kit allows for great ambient lighting. While installation may be a bit challenging, the great minimalist design adds elegance to contemporary home decor.

16. Hunter Cranbook Indoor Low Profile Ceiling Fan

Hunter Cranbook Indoor Low Profile Ceiling Fan

The Cranbook Indoor Low Profile Ceiling Fan combines a classic style with a modern look. Measuring at 52-inches, this fan works well in larger rooms with a low ceiling since the low profile aspect prevents wobbling. The Whisper Wind motor provides the necessary airflow at the quietest performance level possible. The motor also has two settings — the downdraft mode for the summer months and the updraft mode for the winter months.

You can control the fan's blade speed plus light settings through the remote control, and the fan comes with an energy-efficient, dimmable LED light bulb. Even though this is one of the more expensive fans on the list, its sleek design and advanced features will make it worth every penny.

17. Portage Bay 51453 Madrona Ceiling Fan

Portage Bay 51453 Madrona Ceiling Fan

Want a fan that can change finishes without having to replace the whole system? The Portage Bay 51453 Madrona Ceiling Fan has a gray oak blade finish on one side and a walnut finish on the other side. This 52-inch fan has a three-speed, reversible motor that helps to keep your home cool in the summer and can help circulate warm air in the winter to cut down on energy consumption. LED light bulbs are included.

Portage Bay recommends that you use this fan in a medium-size room that's around 350 square feet.

18. Zuniga 52" Indoor Chrome Downrod Mount Crystal Chandelier Ceiling Fan

Zuniga 52

Looking to add a little elegance to your space? The Zuniga 52 in. Indoor Chrome Downrod Mount Crystal Chandelier Ceiling Fan can do just that.

With a contemporary, space-saving design, three lights and five blades, this fan is ideal for small to medium-sized rooms that are focal points in your home (think living room, game room, etc.). The three-speed motor allows for more regulated and controlled airflow throughout your home all year long, and the light kit with clear glass plus crystal chandelier shade offers you more light control in your space.

Bulbs are not included with this fan.

19. Prominence Home 51488-01 Orbis Ceiling Fan

Prominence Home 51488-01 Orbis Ceiling Fan

The Prominence Home 51488-01 Orbis Ceiling Fan brings a whole new take to the modern look. Even with a single, ring-like LED light, this fan has the power to light up your entire room at 100% power or transition into a light ambiance with its dimming power. The three-speed motor and dimming effects can all be controlled with the universal remote, and this fan can be connected to and controlled via Google Home or Amazon's Alexa.

Plus, you can choose between the blades' finish, with a burnt coffee finish on one side and a gray oak finish on the other.

20. Wesley 52" Indoor/Outdoor Greywood DC Motor Ceiling Fan

Wesley 52

If you can't decide between a rustic look or an industrial look for your home's look, why not get the best of both worlds with the Wesley 52 inch Indoor/Outdoor Greywood DC Motor Ceiling Fan. This downrod-mounted fan can be placed inside or outside with no concerns regarding water damage or wet locations, has a six-speed, energy-efficient reversible motor and comes with a five-year limited warranty.

If you don't plan on using this on your patio or outside, Home Depot recommends this fan for a medium or large-sized living room or gathering spot in your home.

Ceiling Fans are a Must

Having a ceiling fan is a must-have home improvement. They will help circulate the air movement in your room, which has a lot of health benefits. Most importantly, they will help to keep you cool in the summer or the high heat. Most ceiling fans are affordable and fashionable and can go with your home decor.

One final thought should go to the fan installation. Many ceiling fans are easy to install and assemble yourself. However, if you are not comfortable working with electrical wiring, you can hire a professional to assist you. If there is no wiring for a ceiling fan in your desired room, consult a professional electrician to set you up. However you decide to install it, these are the 20 best ceiling fans for your bedroom on the market.

Once you set up your ceiling fan, you will want to install indoor ceiling fans all over your house. Who knows, you might become an outdoor ceiling fan family before you know it!

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The 20 Best Ceiling Fans for your bedroom in 2021:

  1. Minka-Aire LED White Flush Mount 44″ Ceiling Fan
  2. Big Ass Fans Haiku L Smart Ceiling Fan
  3. Hunter Transitional 52″ Ceiling Fan
  4. Windward 44″ LED Brushed Nickel Ceiling Fan with Light Kit
  5. RainierLight Classical Crystal Ceiling Fan
  6. Casablanca Durant
  7. Westinghouse Lighting Xavier Indoor Ceiling Fan with Light
  8. Honeywell Sabal Palm 52" Tropical Ceiling Fan
  9. Hunter 42″ Low Profile IV Ceiling Fan
  10. Fanimation 52″ Embrace Hugger 3 Blade LED Ceiling Fan
  11. Fandian 42" Modern Ceiling Fan
  12. Westinghouse Lighting Comet 52" Matte Black Indoor Ceiling Fan
  13. Harbor Breeze Armitage Flush Mount Ceiling Fan with Light Kit
  14. Reiga 52″ DC Motor Ceiling Fan
  15. Hunter Anslee Indoor Low Profile Ceiling Fan
  16. Hunter Cranbrook Indoor Low Profile Ceiling Fan
  17. Portage Bay 51453 Madrona Ceiling Fan
  18. Zuniga 52" Indoor Chrome Downrod Mount Crystal Chandelier Ceiling Fan
  19. Prominence Home 51488-01 Orbis Ceiling Fan
  20. Wesley 52" Indoor/Outdoor Greywood DC Motor Ceiling Fan

Posted February 9, 2021 in Home category

Brady Smith

Brady is a writer, voice artist, podcaster and website designer. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communication and specializes in crafting effective messaging designed to get results. Brady makes his home on the edge of society - close enough for good WiFi, but far enough out to not have to worry about traffic.

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Small Bedroom Ceiling Fan

Source: https://www.chattersource.com/article/bedroom-ceiling-fans/
